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Partnership with Parents

Working in partnership with parents and carers leads to the best outcomes for children.  At Heath Barn we actively welcome the involvement of parents/carers in order to enhance the learning experience of their children and support the running of the group.


Partnership with parents and carers starts before a child joins us; visits to the preschool are recommended and these give you the opportunity to share information about your child and ask any questions.  When your child is ready to start preschool, you will be asked to complete some settling in forms which help staff get to know your child’s likes and dislikes.


Once your child starts, they will be allocated a keyworker.  The keyworker will help your child to settle in and be your main point of contact – please see our keyworker policy for greater detail.


While your child is with us we will monitor their progress through the use of observations and targeted activities. We will share their progress with you via Tapestry and termly Learning Journals; we will always find the time to share key ‘wow’ moments with you at pick up time.  Please see the Tapestry tab for further information.


Our planning topic changes each half term and this will be shared via email; a weekly planning sheet is put in the lobby and parents/carers are encouraged to participate by helping the children to find relevant objects to bring in to ‘show and tell’ during registration.


Alongside supporting the learning experience of children, parents and carers can also be involved in the running of the group.  We offer ‘Stay and Play’ sessions for parents/carers – just let staff know if you would like to do this.  In addition, as a parent committee group, all parents/carers are eligible to be part of the committee which is the management body of the preschool and gets involved in many aspects including fund raising and social events.  

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