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About Us

2016 Ofsted GOOD

Ofsted said the following in their summary ...

Staff use the key-person system well to work with parents and gain a thorough understanding of children's initial needs. This helps children to settle and they soon build warm relationships with staff. They enjoy working in small groups, where they frequently review their learning and celebrate their achievements. 




Heath Barn Preschool has been established for over 50 years, and from it’s early days in the Village Barn, is now located in the grounds of St Leonard's School, Heath and Reach. It is a registered charity and ‘owned’ by the parents/carers of the children who attend; a committee is formed from the parents/carers and assists with management of the group and fundraising/social events.


The aim of our preschool is to provide a safe, secure and caring environment in which children can learn through their play and develop confidence and independence in readiness for school. Our staff are committed to caring for your child and providing an environment in which children can thrive. We take pride in the welcoming atmosphere we create and the progress children make during the time they are with us.

Daily Routine


Our daily routine always remains flexible in order that we can follow the interests of the children and respond to their learning.  The children are able to engage in free flow play both indoors and outside. Whilst inside they will be able to choose from a wide range of activities, one of which is adult directed and planned to meet specific learning outcomes.  


The outdoor area has, amongst other things, a large construction area using natural materials, a mud kitchen, ride on equipment and a climbing frame.


Below we show what an average day will look like …


9.00am                          Children arrive – carpet time for registration and show and tell

9.15am                          Free flow (indoor and outside) plus adult directed activity

10.15am - 11.00am   Snack time – milk /water plus fruit/crackers/toast/veggies

11.45am                       Story / song / circle time

12.00 noon                   Parents / carers collect children from lobby
                                        All day children sit at tables ready for lunch


Afternoon children arrive and join others for lunch


12.30pm                      Free flow  (indoor and outside) plus adult directed activity

1.45pm - 2.15pm      Snack time – milk / water plus fruit

2.45pm                        Story / song / circle time

3.00pm                        Parents / carers collect children from lobby

Upcoming Events:

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