First Day
The first day at preschool can be busy and very new for both the children and parents. On the first day, some children are happy to be left immediately and others will need longer to feel confident in their new surroundings. You are welcome to stay for long as you wish.
Please take a look at our Settling In policy for more information on settling in and how we will work with parents to make the transition from home to preschool a positive experience.
You can be assured that the staff will give comfort and distraction to a child who is upset and the majority of children settle quickly once the parent has left.
Please put your child’s coat on one of the pegs and their bag on the shelving unit; packed lunches are put on the ‘red’ lunch trolley. If you are leaving wellies at preschool, please ask a member of staff for a ‘wellie bag’.
If you need to leave medication at preschool, this must be handed to a member of staff and a medicine authorisation form completed.
The main wooden gate is closed at 9.15am and opened at 11.50am for pick up and afternoon drop off; it is closed again at 12.10pm until 2.50pm. If you need to drop off or pick up at any other time, then please use the ‘Preschool’ button to speak to staff.
Remember to check your child’s drawer at the end of the session for their ‘creations’ and any letters.
Please just ask if you are unsure about anything.