Progress, Assessment
& Tapestry
On-going assessment plays an important part in helping parents and ourselves to understand a child’s needs and support the next areas of their learning and development; we use these assessments to plan activities to support each child and to respond to their individual needs.
An initial assessment will be made during your child’s first 2 weeks at preschool; this initial assessment will form the baseline from which progress will be monitored.
Following the initial assessment, all children then receive a termly Learning Journal and Next Steps; if your child is under 3 then this will concentrate on the Prime Areas. When your child is ready to move onto school, this will be replaced by a transition report which is also shared with the new school.
We use ‘Tapestry’ to help us record observations and track children’s progress, and although we have a ‘formalised’ system for progress monitoring and sharing of information, we will always be available to give feedback and share your child’s ‘wow moments’ with you during drop off and pick up. Tapestry was introduced for all children in September 2017 and parents are able to access the system via their own log in. Parents will only ever be able to see their own child’s records and it is accepted that by activating their account they agree not to download and share photos which feature children other than their own child.
If your child is under the age of 3 years when they join preschool, we will complete a 2 year progress check, either after 2 terms or at around 34 months (whichever is sooner). The 2 year check looks at the different areas of learning and development, and is used to assess development and highlight any potential concerns. Your child’s keyworker will meet with you to share the report and you will have the opportunity to add your own comments to it.
This 2 year check is currently separate to the developmental programme run by the health visitors; however integrated reviews are currently being introduced and we will advise you accordingly.
Please click the link to read 'What to Expect When'; this document explains the Early Years Foundation Stage and the kind of things you can expect your child to be doing and how you can support them.